Beeches Martial Arts Judo Club
Beeches Martial Arts Jujitsu Club
Beeches Martial Arts Tai Chi Club
Version information
The author of this document is Paul Taylor, founder of Beeches Martial Arts. Most recent updates are noted below;
Version |
Date |
Contributors |
Notable updates |
Version 1.0 |
01/12/2016 |
Paul Taylor |
First Release |
Version 2.0 |
02/05/2017 |
John Jeffery |
Second Release |
Version 3.0 |
01/10/2022 |
John Jeffery |
Third Release |
Version 4.0 |
18/04/2024 |
Paul taylor |
Fourth Release |
Version 5.0 |
20/11/2024 |
John Jeffery |
Fifth Release |
Version 6.0 |
29/11/2024 |
John Jeffery |
Sixth Release |
Page 2 – Version data and Index
Page 3 – Welcome to Beeches Martial Arts. ( BMA )
Page 4 – BMA Committee roles and responsibilities
Page 5 – Club welfare officer information
Page 6 – BMA Child protection policy
Page 7 – BMA Policies and Codes of Conduct
BMA Equity Policy
BMA Communication Policy
Page 8 – BMA Anti Bullying Policy
Page 9 – BMA code of conduct for Students and Participants
Page 10 – BMA code of conduct for Parents, Guardians and Spectators
Page 11 – BMA code of conduct for Coaches, Staff, Officials and Volunteers
Page 12 – BMA code of conduct for entering the training area or mat area
Page 13 – BMA first aid procedures
Page 14 – BMA Induction Checklist
Page 15 – BMA important info and FAQ
Welcome to Beeches Martial Arts
Welcome and thank you for joining BMA, we specialise in coaching the sport of Judo, the self defence style of Jujitsu, The gentle art of Tai Chi and offering personal fitness classes and services.
BMA is affiliated to the British Judo Association in respect of our Judo classes and our club number is 4479. The British Judo Association is the governing body for the Olympic sport of Judo in Great Britain. Further details can be found at www.BritishJudo.org.uk. Information on the insurance gained by holding a British Judo Association licence can also be found via this website.
BMA is affiliated to IMASA in respect of our Jujitsu classes and our club number is BMA1 The independent martial arts and sports association, is a multi skill organisation
The British Judo Association is affiliated to UK Sport. Further details can be found at www.uksport.gov.uk
We coach all levels of self defence, combat sports and personal fitness from novice and upwards. Our aim is to help children and adults to learn physical dexterity, social skills, discipline, respect, self confidence and to become part of a family friendly club that can help you or your children gain skills and make friends for life. At BMA all coaches are;
- DBS checked
- Child protection trained
- First aid trained
- Hold governing body coaching awards/ or instructor awards
Rather than view this as a ‘boasting point’ we see this as a bare minimum and our lead coaches often also hold much higher qualifications and awards from various organisations.
Whilst we aim to produce international competitors will always aim to give full care and attention to our novice and recreational members. We also aim to provide as much opportunity to all our members and competitive players, from competing at international events to attaining nationally recognised sports coaching qualifications. We encourage all members and guardians to ask our coaches any questions they may have about their own or their Childs development through Judo, Jujitsu or personal fitness.
The purpose of this document is to set out the policies and ‘Codes of conduct’ which BMA will expect all Students, Coaches, Officials, Parents, Guardians and spectators to adhere to. This is intended to be an evolving document and updates in policies and codes of conduct will be communicated to the relevant people and members before taking effect.
This document covers all of the products offered by BMA including;
- BMA Judo clubs
- BMA Jujitsu clubs
- BMA Tai Chi
Any queries regarding this document should be first raised with the author (John Jeffery) or if unavailable any of the committee members whose details are as below;
- Policy author – Neal Luke – 07912867687
- Head Judo Coach and Jujitsu coach – Paul Taylor – Phone: 07944537515
- Jujitsu Coach – John Jeffery – Phone: 07711222566
- Club welfare Officer – John Jeffery – 07711222566
- Club welfare Officer – Charlotte Dugmore 07873507722
- Club welfare Officer- Danny Dugmore – 07850571886
- Chairman – John Jeffery – Phone: 07711222566
- Treasurer – Vicki Taylor – Phone: 07518765981
- Secretary – Paul Taylor – Phone: 07944537515
- Judo coach- phil Hudson – 07737000095
- Judo Coach – Neal Luke – 07912867687
- Judo Coach – Charlotte Dugmore- 07873507722
- Judo coach – John Dugmore – 07850591811
- Judo/jujitsu Coach. Paul Taylor- 07944537515
- Judo ins Angela Yeates 07939008153
- Judo ins Stephanie Meredith 07930081638
- Ju jitsu coach Richard Doughty – 07849106880
- Ju Jitsu ins – Keith Taylor – 07835406246
- Ju Jitsu ins– Vicki Taylor – 07834859655
- Ju Jitsu ins – Lee Deeley – 07812369264
- Ju Jitsu ins – Dave King 07412139821
- Ju Jitsu ins – John Pickup 07767782600
- Jujitsu ins – kane taylor – 07565174530
- Tai Chi Coach –John Rotheram – 0121 476 6679
- Parents Representative – Sarah Powel /Sarah fereday /.James Shuttle
BMA committee roles and responsibilities
The committee members have various roles and responsibilities regarding the running of BMA Classes. Please see the below breakdown of the committee members, their roles and responsibilities. This also outlines who you would contact with and specific concerns. In the instance you are unsure of whom to contact please seek advice from the relevant club official as shown below.
BMA Judo Club
Head Judo Coach and Jujitsu coach
Paul Taylor prof – Phone: 07944537515 7th dan
Roles and responsibilities are; maximising the development and learning of all participants.
This person should be contacted; for general queries regarding all classes as well as upcoming competitions and events.
Judo Coach
Phil Hudson – Phone 07737 000095 6th dan
Jujitsu Coach
John Jeffery – Phone: 07711222566 5th dan
Roles and responsibilities are; maximising the development and learning of all participants.
This person should be contacted; for general queries regarding all classes where the head coach is not available.
Safeguarding and Club Welfare Officers / Child Protection Officers (CWO)
John Jeffery 07711222566 – Charlotte Dugmore 07873507722 Danny Dugmore- 07850571886.
john@decoratingbyjaj.com charliedugmore91@live.com ddugmore_cwo@hotmail.com
Roles and responsibilities are; ensuring the welfare of young and adult people at risk participating at BMA Judo / Jujitsu club. Also ensuring BMA Judo clubs abides by the relevant child protection policies and codes of conduct stated internally and instructed by the British Judo Association.
This person should be contacted; with any Child welfare concerns or concerns regarding adults at risk. If it is not practical for any reason to contact the appointed CWO then the concern should be referred to either the Chairperson or any other committee member. More detail on next page.
John Jeffery – Catshill cwo wythall cwo northfield cwo Sutton cwo
Charlotte Dugmore- harborne cwo Edgbaston cwo
Danyell Dugmore – Frankley cwo kings heath cwo
John Jeffery – 07711222566
Roles and responsibilities are; heading relevant meeting and mediating between all other committee members.
This person should be contacted; with queries regarding upcoming committee meetings and where mediation is required between committee members.
Vicki Taylor – 07518765981
Roles and responsibilities are; accurate recording of club finances, communicating due dates for fees such as memberships and insurance and general overseeing of finances.
This person should be contacted; with any queries regarding any fees or finances related to BMA Judo club.
Paul Taylor – Phone: 07944537515
Roles and responsibilities are; to be the correspondent for the British Judo Association regarding any information they may need to gain or communicate.
This person should be contacted; regarding issues regarding governing bodies and organisation of the Committee. You may also contact the secretary with any grievances not suitable for the CWO.
Parents Representative
Sarah Powell / Sarah Faraday/ James Shuttle
Roles and responsibilities are; to communicate the feelings, thoughts and opinions of parents or guardians during meetings and to attend as a representative for Committee meetings.
This person should be contacted; with any feelings, thoughts and opinions related to the Judo club which any parent or guardian would like to be communicated at committee meetings.
Club Safeguarding / Child welfare officer role and responsibilities
All Beeches martial arts Clubs need to have a Club Safeguarding / Club Welfare Officer. Everyone in the club should know who the Club Safeguarding / Club Welfare Officer is and how to contact them.
The Club Safeguarding / Club Welfare Officer needs to be well supported by the club and have a formal role on the club’s management committee. It is the whole club’s responsibility to ensure children’s welfare and everyone has a role to play. All clubs have posters and info at their venue, and students are regularly asked who their CWO is
BMA clubs Safeguarding DSL / CWO is John Jeffery [lead] and his contact details are as below;
Phone: 07711 222566
Email: enquiries@beeches-martialarts.co.uk
The main duties of the Safeguarding DSL / CWO are to;
- Assist the club to fulfil its responsibilities to safeguard children and young people at club level.
- Assist the club to implement its child protection plan at club level.
- Be the first point of contact for staff/volunteers, parents and children/young people where concerns about children’s welfare, poor practice or child abuse.
- The Judo Clubs Safeguarding / Welfare Officer is responsible for following the Beeches Martial Arts policies and procedures, in particular the reporting procedures.
- The Jujitsu Clubs Safeguarding / Welfare Officer is responsible for following the Beeches Martial Arts policies and procedures, in particular the reporting procedures.
- Consult initially with a statutory child protection agency such as the local social services department or health board, or the NSPCC, to test out any doubts or uncertainty about the concerns as soon as possible.
- In respect of Judo clubs where students hold BJA licences to report the concerns to the British Judo Association Lead Child Protection Officer.
- Be the first point of contact with the National Lead Child Protection Officer.
- Promote the clubs best practice guidance/code of conduct within the club in line with the club’s plans. This may involve working with children/young people and parents on developing the club’s approach to expect behaviour of everyone at the club or developing and anti-bullying policy for example.
- Promote and ensure adherence to the club’s child protection-training plan.
- Ensure confidentiality is maintained alongside the club’s management committee.
- Promote anti-discriminatory practice.
Should you have concerns regarding the welfare of a child, Adults at risk or any other welfare concern please contact the Safeguarding / CWO on the contact details provided.
BMA Child protection policy
BMA and the associated members are committed to ensuring that those who work with children and vulnerable adults are adequately trained and aware of their responsibilities when assuming a duty of care.
Any concerns regarding the welfare of Children or Adults at Risk should be first raised with the club Safeguarding / welfare officer (CWO) or any other committee member if the CWO is not appropriate or available.
BMA is committed to;
- Ensuring that Coaches and Officials are suitably trained in Child protection and health, safety and welfare issues.
- Ensuring that coaches and officials have been screened to confirm their suitability to work with children. Where appropriate this will include Criminal Record Bureau (DBS) disclosure.
- Ensuring that best coaching practice guidelines are followed at all times.
- Ensuring that grievances or complaints are dealt with promptly and treated with the necessary level of urgency.
- Ensuring that the participants and/or parents are aware of the purpose of videoing, filming or photography during training or events.
- Having a zero tolerance level or poor practice, bullying or any potential form of abuse.
BMA Judo Club Child Protection Statement
This is to confirm that BMA Judo Club has adopted the Beeches Martial Arts Child Protection policy. The British Judo Associations child protection policy is called ‘Safe Landings’ and can be found at;
Safeguarding Policies
Paul Taylor (Head Judo Coach) Date: 19th April 2024
Charlotte Dugmore (Club welfare officer) Date 19th April 2024
John Jeffery (Chairman) Date: 21st April 2024
BMA Jujitsu Club Child Protection Statement
This is to confirm that BMA Jujitsu Club has adopted the Beeches Martial Arts Child Protection policy.
Paul Taylor (Head Judo Coach) Date: 19th April 2024
Charlotte Dugmore (Club welfare officer) Date: 19th April 2024
John Jeffery (Chairman) Date: 21st April 2024
Please note; it is not always possible to ensure our policies are up to date and compliant with other policies. In the instance there is a discrepancy between our policies or codes of conducts and those we abide by under the British Judo Association, the policies of the British Judo Association will supersede our own.
BMA Policies and Codes of Conduct
BMA is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of all our members. BMA believes it is important that members, coaches, officials and parents associated with BMA should, at all times, show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others. Therefore, members are encouraged to be open at all times and share any concerns or complaints that they may have about any aspect of BMA with the Welfare Officer or committee.
The following policies and codes of conduct are to advice on how those associated with BMA Judo club, BMA Jujitsu club or BMA Tai Chi would be expected to conduct themselves in circumstances whereby they may be associated with, or represent BMA.
In extreme circumstances, failure to abide by the relevant policies and codes of conduct can result in temporary suspension from classes and at the discretion of the committee expulsion from BMA related activities. In the rare circumstances where a membership is revoked, any fee’s paid up front for the purpose of classes, membership or other BMA related activities will be refunded where possible. This will not include funds paid to third parties outside of BMA’s immediate control such as the British Judo Association or competition fees paid to third parties.
BMA Equity Policy
BMA is committed to exemplary standards of conduct through the principles of equity and good moral and ethical frameworks.
BMA will encourage individuals from all communities to become involved at all levels of participation, coaching, officiating and management.
BMA will ensure that all members and staff adhere to the following equity principles.
- All persons must respect the rights, dignity and worth of every human being.
- All individuals must be treated fairly and equally regardless of gender, age, ethnic origin, religion or political persuasion or disability.
- Equity must permeate throughout all strategic and development plans.
- An equal professional service will be provided for all participants and discrimination through race, gender or disability will not be tolerated.
- Sexual and racial harassment and discrimination will not be tolerated.
- All people associated with BMA including participants will abide by our ‘Anti-Bullying policy’.
BMA Communication Policy
BMA will make all efforts to ensure relevant and important information is communicated as efficiently and promptly as possible. Our communications methods include:
- Phone, either by call or text
- Letters
- Verbal notification at the beginning or end of a class
Updates to policy and this document will be communicated via the email address listed on the participant’s membership form, either to the participant or their legal guardian. Updates to BMA policies and codes of conduct will be communicated before taking effect and a written copy of all policies and codes of conduct may be requested by members and or their legal guardians. An up to date copy of our policies along with other general information can be found via the BMA website found at: www.beeches-martialarts.co.uk
For issues which require urgent attention or action the primary method of communication will be via phone. For general updates and non-urgent issues, the primary method of communication will be via the recorded email address.
BMA Anti Bullying Policy
BMA has a zero tolerance policy to all forms of bullying. This applies to all BMA classes and also extends to bullying which takes place outside of BMA activities. As BMA gives classes in combat sports and martial arts, BMA has a responsibility to ensure the suitability of all students to understand their responsibilities as practitioners of martial arts and/or combat sports.
There is no legal definition of bullying. However, it’s usually defined as behaviour that is:
- repeated
- intended to hurt someone either physically or emotionally
- often aimed at certain groups, for example because of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation
It takes many forms and can include:
- physical assault
- teasing
- making threats
- name calling
- cyber bullying – bullying via mobile phone or online (e.g. email, social networks and instant messenger)
In instances where bullying is reported to, or witnessed by any Official of BMA, the instance will be investigated. This may in some cases involve suspension from classes for a period of time, or until the matter has been resolved. Each case will be reviewed on its own merit with efforts made to ensure consistency against similar cases regarding any action taken on anyone found to be bullying.
Cases of bullying should in the first instance be reported to the Child welfare officer or a committee member. Parents or guardians may also choose to report bullying to a Childs school, other educational facility, the police or local council.
At times, BMA may ask to contact Schools for information regarding reports of bullying. In any instance, if a participant is found to be using techniques or knowledge gained via martial arts or combat sports for aggressive purposes or bullying, they will be banned pending a full review of the specific circumstances. In extreme cases, participants may be banned from classes with information being fed back to the relevant governing body such as the British Judo Association.
More robust information on bullying, the signs of bullying and our adopted policies can be found in the British Judo Associations Child protection policy which can be found online at; https://www.britishjudo.org.uk/what-we-do/policies/safeguarding/
BMA code of conduct for Students and Participants
As a member of BMA or class participant you are expected to abide by the following club rules:
- All members must participate within the rules and respect coaches, referees and their decisions.
- Members must not speak over the coaches and are expected to pay attention to all instructions given by BMA coaches and officials.
- All members must respect opponents and fellow club members.
- Members should keep to agreed timings for training and competitions or inform their coach if they are going to be late.
- Members must wear suitable attire for training and events as agreed with the coach.
- Keep all long hair tied back and remove all body jewellery.
- Members must pay any fees for training or events promptly.
- Members must not smoke, consume alcohol or take drugs other than for medical reasons whilst representing BMA at competitions or other events.
- Members should treat all equipment with respect.
- Members must inform the head coach of any injuries or illness they may have before the warm-up or class begins.
- Members should not eat, drink or chew gum in the training area. Non-carbonated drinks may be left at the side of the training area for access.
- Members must not use bad or offensive language in the training area or during classes.
- Members should remain with coaches at the end of a session until collected by their parent or guardian.
- Members under the age of 18 years should not attempt to add or personal message BMA Coaches or Officials on social media sites such as Facebook. Common sense exceptions to this clause may include cases where the participant is related to the Coach or Official, or where family friendships mean they were already added on the social media site.
- It is the participant’s responsibility to ensure that relevant licences and insurance are kept in date as this could affect you being allowed to train.
BMA code of conduct for Parents, Guardians and Spectators
As a Parent, Guardian or Spectator of any BMA class or participant you are expected to abide by the following club rules:
- Be aware that although we may accept a ‘duty of care’ for your child, we cannot accompany children to the toilet. As such parents or guardians of young children must remain present during training.
- Encourage your child to learn the rules and participate within them.
- Discourage challenging or arguing with officials.
- Publically accept officials’ judgements.
- Help your child to recognise good performance, not just results.
- Set a good example by recognising good sportsmanship and applauding the good performances of all.
- Never force your child to compete unwillingly.
- Always ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the activity and has plenty to drink.
- Keep the club informed if your child is ill or unable to attend events.
- Endeavour to establish good communications with the club, coaches and officials for the benefit of all.
- Share any concerns or complaints about any aspect of the club through the approved channels.
- Use correct and proper language at all times.
- Never punish or belittle a child for poor performance or making mistakes.
- Always collect your child promptly at the end of a session.
- Support your child’s involvement and help them to enjoy their sport.
- In cases where siblings or other children may be spectating, it is the responsibility of the Adult in care of the child to ensure they stay clear of the training or Mat area. Tekio Gemu will not accept responsibility for injuries caused to unattended dependants who are not involved in the ongoing session or class.
- Please ensure that Children have a non-carbonated drink (preferably water or weak cordial) to ensure they can stay hydrated through the session.
- Parents and guardians must ensure that relevant licences and insurance are kept in date as this may stop your dependant being allowed to train in classes.
- Support your child’s involvement and help them to enjoy their Judo, Jujitsu or other BMA activity.
BMA code of conduct for Coaches, Staff, Officials and Volunteers
The essence of good ethical conduct and practise is summarised below. This is relevant to all Coaches, Staff, Officials and Volunteers:
- Consider the wellbeing and safety of participants before the development of performance.
- Develop an appropriate working relationship with participants based on mutual trust and respect.
- Hold the appropriate, valid qualifications and insurance cover.
- Make sure all activities are appropriate to the age, ability and experience of those taking part and ensure all participants are suitably prepared physically and mentally when learning new skills.
- Display consistently high standards of behaviour and appearance, dressing suitably and not using inappropriate language at any time whilst involved with club activities.
- Never consume alcohol immediately before or during training or events.
- Obtain prior agreement from the parent/guardian of participants under the age of 18 before transporting them anywhere (training/competitions).
- Never have students stay overnight at your home.
- Never exert undue influence over students to obtain personal benefit or reward.
- Always report any incidents, referrals or disclosures immediately, following the appropriate guidelines set out in the relevant BMA Child Protection procedures.
- Never condone rule violations or use of prohibited substances.
- Make sure that confidential information is not divulged unless with the express approval of the individual concerned.
- Promote the positive aspects of the sport (e.g. fair play).
- Encourage students to value their performances and not just results.
- Coaches and Officials of BMA should not attempt to add or personal message BMA Members or Participants who are under the age of 18 years on social media sites such as Facebook. Common sense exceptions to this clause may include cases where the participant is related to the Coach or Official, or where family friendships mean they were already added on the social media site.
- Coaches should give praise where possible and ensure every participant feels valued.
- Ensure that facilities are fit for use in instances where facilities are not maintained by a third party such as a School or leisure centre.
- Ensure accident report forms are filled out in full on the same day as any incident and submitted to the secretary or child welfare officer at the first opportunity.
BMA code of conduct for entering the training area or mat area
All students or participants who attend BMA classes are expected to abide by the following rules:
- Only people who appear on the list of coaches and volunteers are allowed to enter the training area or mat area (unless specifically requested to by a coach or official).
- If contact is to be made with a coach or participating student, please do so through either of the welfare officers, Coach or officials causing as little disruption to ongoing class as possible.
- We understand that occasionally you may wish to speak to a coach however, we request that you respect that the coaches time is for coaching and therefore any request for a discussion be made at the end of session. Your request may then be passed to the coach and decide whether to have the discussion in or out of the venue.
- All students are to be sent/enter in to the training area or contest venue with the appropriate food, drink and clothing for the session.
- Children are to be collected at the end of the session with all the belongings. Where belongings are mislaid, contact a member of the coaching team or committee.
- No metal or hard objects are to be bought onto the mat area other than those that the Coach or Instructor present has given permission for.
- Please ensure the correct attire is worn for all classes. Regarding Judo contests, the regulations on Judo suits can be found via the British Judo Association website at BritishJudo.org.uk suit regulations are only fully enforced for national level events.
- For Judo, Jujitsu and any classes where close contact is involved, make-up should be kept to a minimum as it can rub off and stain other member’s suits and clothes. We would recommend only light foundation is worn where possible.
- For Judo and Jujitsu classes absolutely no footwear is to be work on the mat area. High grip socks may be worn only for medical reasons which have been discussed with the Coach or instructor present.
- For Judo or Jujitsu classes footwear MUST be work when leaving the mat area to help keep the mats clean when re-entering the mat area.
- For Judo or Jujitsu classes participants will be expected to bow (rei) when entering and leaving the mat area.
- For Judo or Jujitsu classes participants are expected to ensure personal hygiene and cleanliness is maintained. This includes ensuring that fingernails and toenails are kept short, preferably with no white showing at the end. Fake fingernails are not suitable for Judo or Jujitsu training.
- For Judo or Jujitsu classes participants should remove all piercings before the session begins. Where this is not possible the Coach should be informed as it may be possible to cover the piercing before the session begins.
BMA first aid procedures
On the occurrence of an injury inform the nearest BMA coach.
The Coach will assess the injury and take appropriate action
- Administer first aid and patient sits out for duration or part of session
- Administer first aid and patient re-joins session
- If it is deemed unwise to administer first aid then an ambulance may be called for, or if a parent/guardian is present, they may take them to a GP or hospital.
- Regarding point 4, Parents / guardians will be informed via emergency contact details immediately if not present.
- Accident is recorded in the accident report folder and the parent / guardian informed accordingly as per governing body guidelines.
Please note: All BMA coaches are qualified in first aid.
Guidelines for dealing with an accident/incident
- Stay calm but act swiftly and observe the situation. Is there danger of further injuries?
- Listen to what the injured person is saying.
- Alert the first aider who should take appropriate action for minor injuries.
- In the event of an injury requiring specialist treatment, call the emergency services.
- Deal with the rest of the group and ensure that they are adequately supervised.
- Do not move someone with major injuries. Wait for the emergency medics.
- Contact the injured person’s parent/guardian.
- Complete an incident/accident report form.
- Follow up with injured person or their parent to check on current condition.
BMA Induction Checklist
This checklist is intended to prompt BMA Coaches, Instructors and Officials to give all relevant basic information to new Participants and Parents or Guardians.
- Emergency exits and fire drill/evacuation procedures.
- Directions to toilets and changing facilities.
- Notify participant that they must have water or a non-carbonated drink with them to last throughout sessions.
- Enquire as to whether the participant has any injuries or medical conditions. If the answer is ‘yes’, ensure they have all required medication to hand.
- Inform them regarding any relevant etiquette, such as bowing procedures for Judo and Jujitsu.
- Introduce new starters to class and where suitable assign a training partner to help new starters feel at ease.
- Inform them regarding ‘Tapping’ and how to submit. Also ensure to release when training partners submit.
- Inform new participants not to over exert themselves and that classes are for personal fitness.
- Assist new students in finding a Gi to borrow and inform them what the suitable attire should be (drawstring tracksuit bottoms and plain t-shirt). Also ensure they are aware that footwear is not to be worn on the mat area.
- Ensure that they are show how to correctly break fall and perform Judo/Jujitsu rolls where applicable. This should be the first thing shown to a new participant of Judo or Jujitsu.
- Ensure they have a copy of the membership form and are directed to the ‘Policy handbook’. This should also be communicated to Parents/Guardians.
- Remember the first lesson is always free!
BMA important info and FAQ
This information is up to date as of 1st of July 2024 To ensure pricing information or any other important details are up to date, please check with any BMA official or staff member.
BMA Judo/ Jujitsu clubs
What is Judo?
Judo is taught as a sport rather than martial art and was derived from the Japanese art of Jujitsu by Sensei Jigoro Kano, founded in 1882. Players compete in a one on one contest and score points by sweeping, tripping or throwing their opponent on their back. During groundwork competitors score by pinning their opponent on their back and older competitors can win via submission, either by strangle or arm lock. As Judo does not allow punching, kicking or strikes of any description it is often taught in schools as it is considered ‘playground friendly’. It is highly unified under the International Judo Federation and has featured in the Olympic Games since 1964.
How much does a class cost?
Please see the below breakdown of costs relevant to Judo/jujitsu;
Mat fee per hour for under 16s and those still in full time education |
£5.00 |
Mat fee per hour for ages 17 and over who are no longer in education |
£5.00 |
BMA membership/insurance (required after 3RD LESSON) First lesson free, second lesson £5.00 third lesson pay m/ship. |
£85.00/ |
This will inc, licence book/insurance/cert and badge/full uniform and belt You will need a BJA licence to compete in BJA events. |
Annual m/ship £45 Annual m/ship £39
Where can I find information on upcoming Judo events?
Please speak to a member of our team or visit www.beeches-martialarts.co.uk
What will I need to bring for my first Judo/jujitsu class?
- Wear a pair of tracksuit bottoms (drawstring is preferable), and a t-shirt you don’t mind getting pulled. We have spare Judo tops you can borrow.
- A non-carbonated drink.
- First lesson is free so no money is required.
Am I likely to get injured doing Judo/jujitsu
Any martial art, combat sport or even non-combat sport carries some risk of injury. Children generally tend to get mild bumps or bruises on occasion. In the experience of the coaches, Judo tends to carry less of a risk than sports like football or rugby, but more of a risk than table tennis or tidily winks. If you have any concerns we encourage you to speak to a member of our team.
How can I keep up to date with competitions and events?
Coaches will often advise on upcoming competitions and events that are suitable for the relevant club members should they wish to attend. Judo coaches will encourage participants to compete and enter events where it is deemed suitable but ultimately the decision to enter an event or not falls to the participant or their parent/guardian.
An up to date events calendar can be found on the BJA website at the below link;
Which county sports partnership governs BMA Judo club’s area?
As the governing body for Judo in Britain, the British Judo Association receives a vast amount of funding from the national lottery and Sport England and is governed by UK Sport. There are 45 county sports partnerships (CSPs) covering England. They are networks of local agencies committed to working together to increase the number of people taking part in sport and physical activity. CSPs deliver Sport England programmes such as Sportivate on a local level.
BMA Judo clubs local CSP is the Birmingham County Sports and information can be found at
www.birminghampartners.com › Partners